Hot Glass Art Center
Jordana Korsen
99 Main ST.,
Marlboro, NH 03455
Hot glass is a traditional medium that celebrates all that is right in our society: Collaboration, trust, teamwork, timing, community and creativity.
I support arts education as a means to bring people together. I am a glassblower and an educator. I used to think hot glass was the medium in which I was most prolific and creative. Through examination, I have realized that teaching is also an artistic medium in which I thrive. I have recently opened the Hot Glass Art Center in Marlborough, NH. My mission is creating a teaching and learning space focused on hot glass outside the traditional system for arts education. Glassblowing is a true team endeavor. There is a scene and a sense of happening when around hot glass. The facility is already a community arts center for people interested in art, glass or being part of something greater than themselves. There are classes, workshops and rentals available for all levels of glass enthusiasts.